Patch Thermo-Adhesive Patch
1. Put your jeans (t-shirt, jacket etc.) on a flat and hard surface
2. Set the iron to the maximum temperature adapted to the fabric on which you want to stick the badge.
3. Place your badge, heat adhesive side on the fabric to be glued.
4. Cover with a wet paw (wet cloth preferably cotton)
5. Apply to the iron by pressing hard for 30-40 seconds.
6. Allow the fabric to cool before handling
For best results it is recommended to iron each side of fabric several times.
If your garment is made of fine or delicate fabrics, operate with great care by adjusting your iron to the right temperature.
For maintenance we recommend cold washing and handwashing, if you want to wash in the machine it is better to sew the patches.
patch mohawk gasoline...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 7.5 cm for this model
Round patch Mohawk Gasoline red, Indian head logo.
Patch Rock Blink 182...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8.5 x 4 cm for this model.
Patch sky blue logo of the rock band blink 182 .
white buick patch logo...
€5.90Buick iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 7 x 7 cm for this model. White Buick logo patch placed above the Buick name.
rectangular inxs group...
€5.90Iron-on patch of the pop/new wave band INXS. Size: approximately 10 x 5 cm. INXS logo patch in black and red on a white background.
TCB patch for fans of...
€5.90TCB iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 8 x 5 cm for this model. Shaped patch cut around the TCB logo made famous by Elvis Presley because it was his philosophy and his creation. TCB stands for Taking Care of Business.
patch von dutch oval...
€5.90Iron-on patch in oval shape von dutch, iron on.
Dimension of 9x6 cm for this model.
Von dutch patch in oval shape and in white color, there is the famous flying eye embroidered on the patch.
Patch flying eye...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch (installation with iron)
Dimension of 10x5 cm
Badge representing a flying eye, often used in the automotive world of Kustom Kulture
Patch Ace of Spades...
€6.00Thermo-adhesive patch ace of spades, pose with iron.
Dimension of 10x8.5 cm for this model.
Patch ace os spades, record cover of the hard rock band motorhead.
patch Maltese cross...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation Size of the badge: 6.5x6.5 cm about patch cross of malta black and many red skullpatch Mr Horsepower A...
€4.90Thermo-adhesive patch, put with iron.
Size of the badge: 6x 11 cm approx.
High quality patch! patch Mr horsepower flames
popeye patch in a blue...
€5.90Blue round popeye patch it measures 10 x 8.5 cm. Cut-out shape patch around the Popeye character in a blue circle with 2 raised fists.
patch white zombie...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 8 cm for this model
White Zombie Group crest
Black and white color
Patch of singer...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 8.5cm for this model
King of Pop Michael Jackson Patch
patch moon eyes round...
€4.90Round yellow moon sticker patch, iron installation
Diameter of about 7.5 cm.
Patch moon eyes round yellow color with black and white eyes.
patch motley raw...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch of the mötley group raw, put with iron.
Dimension of 7x3 cm for this model.
Rectangular patch of the hard rock band motley raw, it is black with the inscription in red.
round patch 2nd...
€5.90Iron-on patch 2nd American amendment, iron on. Dimension of 9.5 cm for this model. Round badge with a skull and pistols 2nd amendment 1789 USA.
cowboy patch on horse...
€5.90Cowboy iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 7.5 x 7 cm for this model. Cowboy patch that trains a horse on red and white font inspired by marlboro.
Statue of Liberty...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Statue of Liberty patch in front of the US flag
Dimension 7,5x7,5 cmpatch flag France...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive badge, to sew in 2 part a part to sew and a second in velcro, so you can remove the patch or put another in place
size of about 8x7 cm
Model: French flag patch
patch hardcore logo...
€5.90Iron-on hardcore logo patch, iron on. Size of approximately 10 x 6.5 cm. Crest with the rectangular hardcore logo written in white on a black background.
patch victory...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 9 x 6 cm for this model.
Patch victory motorcycle flag of the USA this patch is oval shaped.
Patch band hard rock...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 13.5 x 9.5 cm for this model.
Patch inscription of the hard rock band sepultura, black red and white.
Patch group rolling...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch stones, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8x8 cm for this model.
Patch of the rock roll band: rolling stones.
Patch Route 66 Garlic...
€6.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 20.5x5 cm for this model
Patch Route 66 aillé black and white
Souxsie and the...
€5.90Souxsie and the Banshees iron-on patch, iron on. Size of approximately 9.5 x 8 cm. Souxsie and the Banshees logo patch in a rectangular shape where you can recognize the look of Siouxsie Sioux.
donald duck florida...
€5.90Donald duck iron-on patch, iron-on. Dimension of 6.7 cm for this model. Round Donald Duck Florida patch on black font.
Patch pink floyd oval...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch of the group pink floyd, pose with iron.
Dimension of 10 x 5 cm for this model.
Oval patch of the group pink floyd, it is inspired by the dark side of the moon cover.
Blur band patch black...
€4.00Small thermo-adhesive patch, put on the iron.
Dimension of 6x3.5 cm for this model.
Patch of the pop group Blur, it is black and white.
patch lucky thirteen...
€5.90Lucky 13 iron-on patch, iron on. Size of approximately 7.5 cm. Round-shaped Lucky Thirteen logo patch with a black and red ace of spades.
Patch Felix Le Chat 8...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8 x 7.5 cm for this model.
Patch felix the cat in front of a rainbow.
patch crane rocker...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of the badge: 8x9 cm approx.
Patch with a rocker and a knife and the inscription Rockabillygros patch group...
€19.00patch thermocollant, pose au fer à repasser écusson gros format idéal pour le dos d'une veste par exemple !
gros patch motorhead
dimension 24x24 cm
patch sex pistols...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8.5 x 6 cm for this model.
Rectangular crest of the punk band Sex Pistols on a background of English flag.Patch Linkin Park 9x10...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, put with iron.
Size of 9x10 cm.
Patch of the group Linkin Park, black and red model written in white.
Patch thermocolant VW...
€5.90Patch thermo-adhesive Volkswagen VW black logo, pose with iron.
Dimension of 6cm for this model.
Black and white VW logo badge that will appeal to fans of cox, golf, combi...
Patch pink floyd pink...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch of the group pink floyd, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8 x 3 cm for this model.
Cut shape patch of the group pink floyd it is pink on a black background.
Patch punk not dead...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 9x8.5 cm for this model
Punk Not Dead patch with Anarchy logo
Patch Cobra Shelby 427...
€5.00Thermo-adhesive patch cobra racing (installation with iron).
Dimension of 6.5 7.5 cm.
Shelby cobra 427 racing badge with checkered flags.
patch yamaha red rect...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
size of about 8.5 x 6 cm
Model: Patch Motorcycle Yamaha rectangular red and white with the black logo
acdc patch bon scott...
€5.90Bon Scott iron-on patch, iron on. Size approximately 8 x 8cm. Patch Bon Scott 02/19/1980 AC/DC, this hard rock group is certainly the best known in the world. Bon Scott is known for being the lead singer of the rock group AC/DC from 1974 until his death in 1980.
Patch 12cm Hellfire...
€6.50Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 12 x 12.5 cm for this model.
Black hellfire club crest with a red horned devil head, badge well known to fans of a horror soap opera series.
Patch Indian...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 7.5 cm for this model.
Patch indian motorcycle 1901 round red and black.
patch johnny cash rock...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size 9x8 cm approx. for this model
Johnny Cash patch that gives the middle fingerMegadeth Green...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size 9 x 2.7 cm for this model.
Patch of the r=metal band Megadeth, it is black and green.patch live to rock...
€5.90Live to rock rectangular iron-on patch, iron on.
Dimension of 10 x 4 cm for this model.
Patch of rectangular shape in black and white color and with inscription live to rock, rock to live..
Brembo logo patch...
€5.90Brembo iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 10.5 x 4 cm for this model. Brembo logo patch written in white on a black background.
Patch group kiss face...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch of the group kiss, pose with iron.
Size of about 10 x 5 cm for this model.
Patch kiss face in the band name.Patch flag Belgium...
€3.00Thermo-adhesive patch of the Belgian flag, pose with iron.
Dimension of 6x3.5 cm for this model.
Patch flag of Belgium .
Patch Crane with small...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size of the badge: 7.5x5.5 cm approximately.
Patch skull has small flames seen from the front, skull.
Mickey patch...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
size of 9 x 8 cm approximately.
Mickey's head patch.
patch trikers oval...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch trikers stay on side, iron installation
Size of about 10x7 cm.
Trikers stay on long badge oval shape with a yellow trike seen from 3/4 back.
Elvis Presley...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of the badge: 9x7.5 cm approx.
Elvis Presley signature patch in red on the King's back
patch group megadeth...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size 8x4 cm approximately for this model.
Black and white megadeth patch.Patch group anthrax...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size of about 8 x 4 cm for this model.
Black and white anthrax group patch of rectangular shape.Patch band hard rock...
€3.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 9.5x5 cm for this model.
Badge of the rock band metallica it is black and white.
Patch band hard rock...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 11.5x3 cm for this model.
Crest of the rock band led zeppelin inscription red and black.
van halen logo patch...
€5.90Iron-on Van Halen logo patch, iron on. Size of 7.5 x 6 cm approximately. Van Halen hard rock band crest, black red and white logo.
Patch Marilyn Monroe...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of the badge: 10x7.5 cm approx.
Marilyn Monroe patch (face in black and white)
patch flag USA pleated...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 9.5 x6 cm for this model
patch pleated USA flag
Patch vinyl record and...
€4.90Description thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of about 5.5x5cm for this model
Badge model with a vinyl record and headphones
Patch thermocolant elf...
€6.00Thermo-adhesive patch elf white logo, pose with iron.
Dimension of 10x4.5 cm for this model.
Logo badge in the form of a white rectangle of the brand elf.
Fall Out Boy band...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
size of about 9x7 cm
Rectangular crest of alternative rock band Fall Out Boy
Patch band kiss red...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size 9 x 5 cm approximately for this model.
Patch of the rock band kiss, writing in red.hard rock patch ACDC...
€5.90AC-DC iron-on patch, canon white, red inscription, iron on. Size approximately 10x9 cm. ACDC logo patch canon inscription in red, ACDC is certainly the best-known hard rock group in the world.
iron-on patch death...
€5.00Death potion iron-on patch, iron on. Size approximately 7.6x4.3 cm. Bottle-shaped patch with a skull inside, death potion inscription.
iron-on patch...
€5.00Orange skull butterfly iron-on patch, iron on. Size approximately 10 x 5.5 cm. Orange butterfly patch (monarch) with a skull on the wings.
Patch of the band Iron...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch iron maiden trooper, pose with iron.
Dimension of 11.5x8.5 cm for this model.
Patch of the band iron maiden, the trooper with an English flag.
Lamborghini coat of...
€5.90Lamborghini iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 9 x 8 cm for this model. Black Lamborghini patch in the shape of a coat of arms with the bull in the center.
Whitesnake band patch...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of 11.5x5 cm
Patch of the hard rock band Whitesnake
oval ducati...
€5.90Ducati motorcycles iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 9 x 5 cm for this model. Ducati motorcycle patch in oval shape, green font and black and white checkerboard.
Patch Gulf checkered...
€6.90Thermo-adhesive patch gulf oil, pose with iron.
Dimension of 10.5x6 cm for this model.
Gulf logo patch with a black and white checkered flag.
patch thermoadhesive...
€6.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size of 6.5 x 6 cm approximately.
Patch logo ACDC canon inscription in red, ACDC is the hard rock band certainly the best known in the world.patch the cure funny...
€5.90The cure iron-on patch, iron on. Dimensions of 8x3 cm for this model. Shaped patch cut around the cure logo, black red color, love cats period style writing.
patch all time low...
€5.90Description thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size of about 9x5cm for this model.
Badge model with the inscription all time low.
grunge group patch the...
€5.90The cramps iron-on patch, iron on. Size approximately 10 x 3.5 cm. Logo patch of the punk rock rockabilly band the cramps. The Cramps, or simply the Cramps, is an American rockabilly group from New York, composed of guitarist Poison Ivy and singer Lux Interior. Formed in 1975
patch iggy pop pistol...
€5.90Iggy pop thermo-adhesive patch, iron pose.
Dimension of 7.5x4 cm for this model.
Shape patch cut out around the logo, iggy pop with a gun.
large monkey patch...
€16.00Great patches for the backs of a jacket or shirt. Big monkey patch making a face, he has a crown on his head. These dimensions are 34 x 22 cm.
felix cat red heart...
€5.90Felix the cat poses iron-on patch. Dimensions of 10 x 8 cm for this model. Felix the cat logo patch in front of a red heart.
group patch bullet for...
€5.90Bullet for my valentine iron-on patch, iron on. Size approximately 10 x 4 cm for this model. Badge model of the hard rock band Bullet for My Valentine, white inscription on a black background.
patch MM marilyn...
€4.00Marilyn Manson iron-on patch, iron-on.
Dimensions of 5 x 5 cm for this model.
Marilyn Manson group patch, black diamond-shaped logo and M M inscription in white for this patch.
metallica patch logo...
€5.90Iron-on patch from the metallica group, iron on. Dimensions of 7.5 x 7 cm for this model. Shaped patch cut around the metallica group logo, it is purple and white on a black background.
megadeth biohazard...
€5.90Iron-on patch from the megadeth group, iron on.
Dimension of 9 x 6 cm for this model.
Round shaped yellow and black biohazard logo
patch with the name of the group megadeth in red color which overflows on each side.
patch system of a down...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8 x 6.5 cm for this model.
Badge of the group system of a down in red blue yellow on black background.
Patch Rob Zombie Black...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 12x6 cm for this model
Patch of singer Rob Zombie
Patch Thermoadhesive...
€6.00Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Size of 10.5 x 5 cm.
ZZ logo patch black and yellow rectangular shape.
patch banner stray...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 10x3.5 cm for this model
Badge of rockabilly band The Stray Cats
Black and yellow banner crest
patch lamb of god...
€4.90Description thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of 6.5x4.5 cm for this model
Badge model representing the Lamb of God Group logo
Big patch crane and V...
€10.00Big thermo-adhesive patch with a biker skull in front of a V-engine, Vtwin.
Dimension of 27x26 cm for this model.
Large size black and white patch ideal for the back of the jacket, for example.
patch AC cobra round...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch (installation with iron)
Dimension of 7 cm
round creston with a cobra snake and the inscription AC on the black background
blue combi patch 3/4...
€5.90Combi blue and white iron-on patch, iron on.Dimensions of 7 x 5 cm for this model.Red and white 13 window combi patchPatch of the band HIM...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 9x4.5 cm for this model
Patch of the Finnish band Him
Patch with a champion...
€6.50Champion thermo-adhesive patch, put on the iron.
Dimension of 10x7.5 cm for this model.
Champion candle patch, ideal for a garage style outfit.
Checkered flag patch...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 8 x 6cm for this model.
Patch checkered flag speedway with a white star at the top center.
Patch 76 Oil Racing...
€4.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of about 7.5 x4 cm for this model.
76 Oil Racing Gasoline badge
patch coat of arms...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 7.5 cm for this model.
Patch logo route 66 coat of arms black white writing.
patch vespa servizio...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Size of the badge: about 7.5 cm
patch scooter vespa servizio round
patch devilse red on...
€5.90Description thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
size of about 9cm for this model
Model round crest with a red devilish on a white background
Patch Kiss Army Hard...
€5.90Thermo-adhesive patch, pose with iron.
Dimension of 9 x 8.5 cm for this model.
Patch Kiss army, square on top and point at bottom like military patches.
Small group patch...
€4.00Thermo-adhesive patch, iron installation
Dimension of 9.5 x 3.5 cm for this model
Sublime group crest, black and green color