HOT ROD & kustom
The hot rod and kustom decorative plates are ideal for decorating your garage or workshop, but you can also display your passion at the show.
decorative plaque rat...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plaque. It is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions: 30cm. Model: Rat Fink our hero round plate with a key in the right hand.
Hot Rod Garage Yellow...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32 cm Model: hot rod plate and checkered flag, yellow background and inscription hot rod garageGrandpas' Garage T Hot...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm approx.
Model: Grandpas garage plate with blue hot rod
plate dads garage with...
€11.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Size 30 x 20 cm approximately.
Rectangular plate model representing an old red American pick-up and dad's garage inscription.
White hot rod plate in...
€11.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 30 x 20 cm approximately.
Model of rectangular plate representing 1 white and red hot rod in the foreground of a beautiful garage.
Plate 2 hot rod black...
€11.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 30 x 20 cm approximately.
Model of rectangular plate representing 2 hot rod parked side by side, black and white photo in the purest vintage style.
ZZTOP Rock N Roll...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm .
Model: ZZ top rock n roll power plate with a hot rod.
This plate is imported from the USA.
Plate WD40 WD-40...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40/ 30cmModel: WD-40 Old Pub style plate
Available on order in 70x50cm with a delay of 3 weeks and a supplement of 38 euros.... Contact me by email if you want a large plaque
Small plate 15x15cm...
€9.90Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 15x15 cm approximately.
Model of square plate representing a gasser chevrolet with the inscription classic hotrod.
This sheet is imported from the USA.
Plaque Candle Redneck...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate
The sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 43x15 cm
Advertising plate Len candle shape Rebel Redneck
Hot Rod Plate Old Ford...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate hot rod ford 32 34 37Ford Plate 1932 2007...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 30/40cm Model: FORD1932, 75° AnniversaryPlate 40x38cm Blazon...
€20.00Superb stamped sheet metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40x38 cm the sheet has a coat of arms shape.
Model: Plate with a pin up in front of a red 1957 chevy? GREASE Monkey Garage.
decorative plate rat...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plaque. It is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions: 30cm. Model: Rat Fink genuine parts round plate.
copy of Decorative...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40/ 30cm
Model: Gold Hot Rod Speed Racer plate, 1932 Ford
Available on order 70x50 cm with a delay of 3 weeks in this case and a supplement of 38 euros!
Contact me if you want a large plaque
Plate best 4 secons of...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm .
Model: dragster plate, the best 4 seconds of my life.
This plate is imported from the USA.
Plate including blink...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm .
Model: dragster plate seen from the rear.
This plate is imported from the USA.
helmet head plate...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm .
Model: drag pilot head plate, game face
This plate is imported from the USA.
Plate floor hurst...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation.
dimension 30 cm.
A superb plaque that will decorate your garage or living room, floor hurst shifter.
plate 50x45cm hot rod...
€25.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 50x45cm .
Model: cut and stamped shaped plate, it represents a red hot rod with black scallop in front of an old garage.
This plate is stamped (relief) it is of Chinese manufacture.
american hot rod plate...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plaque, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions approximately 30 cm. Round plate template with a hot rod and a pin up girl sitting on the grille.
plate so cal speed...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plaque, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions approximately 30 cm. Round plaque model with a circa 1336 hot rod with So Cal Speed Shop inscription.
plate ramchargers...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plaque, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions approximately 30 cm. Rectangular plaque model with a Ramchargers Speed Shop logo representing a car wheel. This plate is imported from the USA!!
ramchargers garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plaque, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimensions approximately 41 x 32 cm. Rectangular plaque model with a Ramchargers garage logo with a checkered flag. This plate is imported from the USA!!
Plate Chevrolet Bel...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41/32 cm
Model: Chevrolet 57 Bel Air flame plate and pin up
Bad Ass Speed Shopcopy of Plate 30x30cm...
€18.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 30.5x30.5 cm approximately.
Model of square plate representing a gasser chevrolet with the inscription classic hotrod.
This sheet is imported from the USA.
copy of Dangerous...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm.
Model: hot rod dangerous curves plate with a purple dress pin up in front of a red flame hot rod.
copy of Hot Rod Plate...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32 cm Model: Hot Rod plate Deuces Ford 32
copy of plate last...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm
Model: Last Stop plate, Hot Rod Repair orange and beige with a 1932 Ford bearing the number 42
copy of Hot Rod Plate...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32cm Model: Hot Rod Life plate, Need no red lights
copy of Hot Rod Plate...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 30/40cm Model: No Tools plate
copy of plaque hits...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate hits from the past
copy of Double Feature...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate double feature ford 33 34
copy of Hot Rod Racing...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension: 40/ 30cm or 50x70 Model: Hot Rod Racing plate, Ford 32 available in 30x40cm or 50x70cm with a delay of 3 weeks in this case and a supplement of 38 euros!
copy of Hot Rod Plate...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32 cm Model: Hot Rod plate, Still play with cars with a very realistic aging appearance!
copy of Hot Rod Older...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 42x31 cm
Model: Older Wiser plate and Hot Rod
copy of Hot Rod...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30 cm Model: Hot Rod Classic Garage Blue, Ford 32
copy of Hot Rod Ford...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension: 40/ 30cm or 50x70 Model: Hot Rod Ford 32 Noit Saint of Sinner plate available in 30x40cm or 50x70cm with a delay of 3 weeks in this case and a supplement of 38 euros!
plaque lucky garage...
€15.00Superb sheet metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled and there is a string for easy installation! Size: 30cm. Model: round plate with a goddess holding a key (tool) lucky garage inscription.
reliable service pin...
€15.00Superb sheet metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled and there is a string for easy installation! Size: 30cm. Model: reliable service road girl garage round plate, with a pin up and a red hot rod.
American hot rod plate...
€15.00Superb sheet metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled and there is a string for easy installation! Size: 30cm. Model: American hot rod round plate with a 1932 black car with flames.
tin sign garage logo...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Size 41 x 32 cm approximately. Rectangular plate template with a garage logo with crossed wrenches. This plate is imported from the USA!!
tin sign man's garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Size 41 x 32 cm approximately. Model of rectangular plate humor garage, a man's hiom is his cstel, buthis garage is sanctuary. This plate is imported from the USA!!
Plate American Hot Rod...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, sheet metal with 4 holes in the corners for an easy break!
Dimension 38 cm high and 30.5 cm wide.
Model: plate with a hot rod with red flames, american back road 66.
This plate is imported from the USA but it is of Chinese manufacture.
Green flame hot rod...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, sheet metal with 4 holes in the corners for an easy break!
Dimension 38 cm high and 30.5 cm wide.
Model: plaque with a green flame hot rod and the inscription hit the road, Route 66
This plate is imported from the USA but it is of Chinese manufacture.
plate Rusty but Trusty...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm .
Model: Rusty but Trusty plate with an old pick-up.
This plate is imported from the USA.
stamped plate genuine...
€20.00Superb stamped advertising plate (relief) .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 28x19 cm .
Model: busted plate knuckle garage genuine parts.
This plate is imported from the USA.
Grease Monkey garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the lote is pre-drilled for easy installation!Dimension: 41x32cm.Model: rectangular plate grease monkey garage, with a monkey that dies a candle and crossed pistons.My garge My rules.Flatheads forever...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the Lote is pre-drilled for easy installation!Dimension: 30cm diameterModel: Round plate with a V8 engine and Flatheads Forever inscription.decorative plate rat...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 30cm .
model: round plate Rat Fink that overlaps an eyeball,
The sheet metal has an aging appearance.
Advertising plate Coat...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
dimension: 30x30 cm, made in USA
Model: Route 66 Hot Rod Speedway badge
Advertising plate...
€20.00Superb flat advertising plate .it is pre-drilled for easy installation!
dimension: 41x32 cm, made in USA
Model: orange and beige Neighborhood garage plate
Plaque Rat Fink round...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 30cm.
Flat plate with rimmed edges with the famous rat fink from big daddy roth.
This plate imitates a neon, it is a sheet metal plate nothing lights up !!
Hot Rod garage plate...
€30.00Superb metal advertising plate painted coat of arms hot rod garage,
The sheet metal has a fixing system on the back for easy installation!
It is a stamped plate with a lot of relief.
These dimensions are: 53x19cm .Model: plate blazon hot rod garage garlic, with aging appearance, worn.
Plate pipe dream...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
dimension 30 cm, made in USA
Ad model: Pipe Dream Mechanic Bustle Kbuckle Garage plate
Plate Spark plugs...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40/ 30cmModel: Spark Plugs Motorcycle plate
Available on order in 70x50cm with a delay of 3 weeks and a supplement of 38 euros.... Contact me by email if you want a large plaque
Plate OLDIES...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40/ 30cmModel: Automotive Legends OLDIES plaque
Available on order in 70x50cm with a delay of 3 weeks and a supplement of 38 euros.... Contact me by email if you want a large plaque
plate red neck...
€16.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 38 / 30cmThis model of plate was manufactured between 2004 and 2006, they are still in very good condition but they have some small defects (see second photo)
Red Choppers plaque with red neck inscription in Maltese Cross, Atlanta CA
Thunder Hot Rods...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40/ 30cmModel: Thunder Hot Rods Authentic Garage Built Plate
Available on order in 70x50cm with a delay of 3 weeks and a supplement of 38 euros.... Contact me by email if you want a large plaque
Hot Rod Vintage Iron...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate
The sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm
Model: plate with a red hot rod, vintage Iron Motors
Lucky's Body Shop...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate.
The sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm
Model: lucky body shop plate with a blonde pinup with a giant key,
and a blue hot rod has gray flames.
Hot Rod Highway Flame...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate
The sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 41x32cm
Model: Hot Rod Highway Plate, Hot Rodders Rule with an orange flame rod
Plate sign cut My...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 45x19 cm
Ad model: My garage original shape is cut insideGrease Monkey Garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 44x29,5 cm
Model: Grease Monkey Garge blue plate with an American car and a pin upSexy Pin Up Plate and...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm
Model: Pin Up with a hot rod, old school fast brothersplates mercury kool...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 30.5 cm
Model: Black Mercury round plate with flames, Kool Cat Kustomhot rod plate garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 38x30 cm
Model: Hotr Rod Garage plate
Plaque America's...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 38x30 cm
Model: America's Highway plate
plaque coat of arms...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!Dimension: 35x34cmModel: Hot Rod Across the Good Ole plaque in relief (embouti)Plate Pin Up Rosie The...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension: 40/ 30cm or 50x70 Model: PIN plate UOP Rosie The riveter Tool Rules available in 30x40cm or 50x70cm with a delay of 3 weeks in this case and a supplement of 38 euros!
Rules garage plate...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension: 40 x 30 cm
Model: hot rod plate and pin up garage rules
Available on order in 70 x 50 cm with a delay of 3 to 4 weeks in this case and a supplement of 48 euros!
Contact me if you want a large plaque.
Hot Rod Plate Blue...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32cm Model: Vintage custom flame hot rod platePlaque praise the...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 40x30cm approx. model: Mercury Kustom plate and Pin Up praise the loweredV8 Logo Plate Old Guys...
€43.00superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet has an invisible attachment to the back dimension 42x34 model: V8 plate, old guys rule
Hot Rod Cut Plate...
€40.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, invisible fixing system to the back of the plate! Dimension 34x29 cm model plate in the shape of hot rod cut out attention this model plate is rare ....... It has some scratches (see photos)
Busted Knuckle Garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32 cm Model: Rectangular Knuckle busted plate with an aged look very realistic!Mercury plate cut...
€50.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, invisible fixing system to the back of the plate! Dimension 50x26 cm Model plate shaped Mercury flames with blower, the sheet is cut around the car
Fireman plate Pin Up...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 30/40cm Model: Firefighter plate Pin Up
Hot Rod Plate Willys...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 41x32 cm approx. Model: Torque Brother plate, Hot Rod WillysVintage Plate Rod...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 41x32 cm approx. Model: Vintage Rod plate, Original Services & RepairAmerican Racing plate...
€32.00Superb painted metal advertising plate the sheet has 1 fixing hole for easy installation dimension 30.5 x 30.5 cm about model: American racing plate This plate is rare is stamped (relief)!
Hot Rod Racer Grey...
€22.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension: 40/ 30cm or 50x70 Model: Hot Rod Racer gray plate, Ford 32 available in 30x40cm or 50x70cm with a delay of 3 weeks in this case and a supplement of 38 euros!
Plate Pin Up and Hot...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm
Model: Sexy Mecano pin up plate and Hot Rod garage
Busted Knuckle Stock...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 30.5 x 23 cm approx. advertising plate busted knuckle garge stock car racing
Hot Rod Vintage Evil...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 42x31 cm Model: Vintage Evil Speed Shop plate, with hot rodPlate Older Wisiser...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 42x31 cm Model: Older Wiser Speed Shop plate, with a KustomBig Daddy's Garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 40x30 cm approx. Model: Big Daddy's garage platePlate Gear Head Garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 40x30 cm approximately.
Model: gear head garage plate, key skull and cross candle
plate tool in hand...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 30/40cm Model: Rat Rod plateDad's Garage Yellow...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet metal is pre-drilled for easy installation!
Dimension 41x32 cm approximately.
Odèle : Yellow and beige rectangular DAD's garage plate with an aged appearance.
plaque rat rod garage...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate The sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimention 31/42 cm approx. Model: Rat Rod Garage plate and Ford 1932 with BlowerPlaque Street Rod Hor...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate Street Rod and Bel Air 55Minute Man Delivery...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate Minute Man DeliveryWoody Remenber Plaque...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate do you remenber your first woodyGasser Drag Raceway...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate Raceway Drag RacingThe Need for Speed...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate drag racing need for speedPlate Cruising Oldies...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 30/40cm approx. model advertising plate Cruising Oldies, Mercury and Hot Rod Ford 32Plaque My Garage My...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! very realistic aged appearance dimention 41x26 cm approximatelyHot Rod Green Plate My...
€20.00Superb painted metal advertising plate, the sheet is pre-drilled for easy installation! Dimension 41x32cm Model: Hot Rod Plate My Garage My Rules Ford 1932 Green